Please Submit Your Extract

Please Submit Your Abstract

We are delighted to invite you to submit your abstract to the inaugural International Mangrove Conservation and Restoration Conference (IMCRC).

Our aim is to discuss, evaluate, and energise the development of innovative solutions for mangrove restoration, promoting science-based restoration and contributing to mitigating the effects of climate change.

We welcome original contributions for oral, poster or workshop submissions to be presented at the Conference to be sent to before Sunday, 16 June 2024, 6pm GMT

Open for Abstract Submissions

The conference is open for abstract submissions. You may submit abstracts for workshops, oral or poster presentations. When submitting your abstract for review, you will be asked to please select the theme that best fits your talk. This will be used to group similar talks together into sessions and will facilitate review of abstracts.

Particular attention will be given to those that showcase initiatives dedicated to holistic science-based coastal ecosystem restoration, showcasing innovations, aligning with conference thematic areas and bridging across disciplines, sectors, and thematic areas while also promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

Abstract submissions close Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 6pm GMT

Open for Abstract Submissions

Choose Your Abstract Topic From the Four Conference Themes

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted electronically and in English, in word or pdf, with a maximum of 1500 characters. The submission deadline is on Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 6pm GMT to

You may submit abstracts for workshops, oral or poster presentations.

You may submit two abstracts in total, however, only one of them may be for an oral presentation.

The abstract title is limited to 80 characters (including spaces).

The abstract text is limited to 1,500 characters (including spaces). 

All material must be the work of the authors listed and appropriately referenced. Please include links to relevant publications in your abstract submission.

Please indicate in the submission who the presenting author will be.

When submitting your abstract for review, you will be asked to please select the theme that best fits your talk. This will be used to group similar talks together into sessions and will facilitate review of abstracts. Please note that your talk/workshop may be placed into a different theme session depending on available space. Abstracts must be aligned with the conference themes and objectives.

Particular attention will be given to innovative posters that effectively showcase initiatives dedicated to holistic science-based coastal ecosystem restoration, showcasing innovations, aligning with conference thematic areas and bridging across disciplines, sectors, and thematic areas while also promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

Posters will be displayed in the foyer areas of the main conference venue, for the entire duration of the Conference from 10-12 December 2024. Oral poster sessions will be scheduled during lunch and coffee breaks. 

During review, session conveners can choose to shift an abstract into another session, after consulting with the new session conveners and the main author of the abstract. 

After the deadline all submitted abstracts will be reviewed, and the author will be notified of the decision. Accepted abstracts will be included in the conference program and published, once at least one author of the relevant abstract has registered.

Should you wish to withdraw your abstract after the submission deadline, please contact

Abstract Submission Guidelines