The inaugural International Mangrove Conservation and Restoration Conference aims to help develop innovative solutions for mangrove restoration, promote science-based restoration and contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change.

Examples of topics that can be considered under each of the four themes of the conference are as follows.


Restoration Best Practices and Innovation in Restoration and Monitoring

  • Showcase main best practice recommendations, applying best practice principles across project planning (e.g. multi-disciplinary collaboration, metrics and timeline of measuring success, ownership, long-term management and finance, ensuring enabling conditions for success).
  • Share successful restoration practices and lessons learned from case studies and projects in different local and regional contexts.
  • Introduction of innovative monitoring tools and techniques for tracking the progress of mangrove restoration efforts.
  • Formation of partnerships and collaborations for implementing effective restoration initiatives.

Integrated Seascape Approach and Habitat Connectivity

  • Recognise the importance of habitat connectivity in maintaining healthy mangrove ecosystems.
  • Explore the role of mangroves in blue carbon habitats and their connectivity to larger seascape ecosystems.
  • Formulate strategies for implementing an integrated seascape approach to mangrove conservation and restoration.
  • Case studies.
  • Spatial planning and remote sensing for integrated habitat restoration

Mangroves in the Arabian Peninsula; a Regional Focus

  • Stakeholder and community engagement in the regional context.
  • Importance of documenting and tracking restoration efforts locally and regionally.
  • Communicating and raising awareness about restoration; importance of mangroves in the Arabian Peninsula and the ecosystem services they provide, their key threats, regional conservation and restoration strategies, key restoration priorities in the region.

Climate Mitigation and Adaptation through Conservation and Restoration

  • Coastal resilience.
  • Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment.
  • Concepts of (and constraints to) Nature-based Solutions and Blue Carbon
  • Green-grey infrastructure.
  • Recommendations for NDC’s /national strategies and ministerial guidelines following from Best Practice Mangrove Conservation and Restoration.
  • Understanding the relationship between sea level rise and mangrove restoration for climate adaptation.
  • Present blue carbon assessments highlighting the carbon sequestration potential of mangrove habitats, strategies for integrating mangrove conservation and restoration into climate mitigation and adaptation plans.